Freedom & Love

Hm... Gw baru aja nonton film di Metro TV. Judulnya 'Kita Punya Bendera'. Just remind me sumthing... Ketika gw melihat film itu, gw sadar. It's for the Chinese sake. Film itu menarik. Tapi... Semua dari film itu mengingatkan gw kepada masa lalu gw...

Masa lalu gw...

Mei 1998.

Ketika gw masih SD kelas 3.
Kerusuhan dimana-mana...
Beberapa blok di sebelah rumah gw, Hancur...
Hancur terkena batu...
Kaca-kaca yang pecah....
Supermarket Metro pun hancur berkeping-keping.
Di jarah sehabis-habisnya...

Pada saat itu..
Gw bisa apa?
I can do nothing.
Even I'm exciting of all those things.
All things that very dangerous, especially 2 me & my family.

Soldiers everywhere...
Angriness everywhere...
Stones, glasses, bottles were throwed everywhere...
All those places turn into chaos.

Why all of those could be happend?
Can I blame to all who want to exterminate my brethren?
My heart always sets hatred.

Hate to all who done that.

But it's all over...
One thing can I do now is...

Forgive them all...
Coz I know....
Even I set the hatred, this is can become a never-ending stories...
I cast aside my hate...

My hate turns out into love...
Love that sets our soul free.
Free to reach a peaceful mind...

The side who has survived across millenia. -Earth-

Twitter.. Twitter...

Guyz, kalo misalnya kalian mo follow gw, bisa aja di

Gw lbh aktif di twitter soalnya.. ^^

Bingung gw mo ngapain sekarang.. huahaha~

After a very long journey....

Huah... Udah lama banget gw gak nge-post blog... Udah mo berapa bulan ini... LOL~~

Banyak hal-hal yang terlewatkan, & yang pasti seru-seru juga... ^^

Sekarang yang jelas, gw udah kuliah. Terus... (koq kayak perkenalan lagi yah?)
Yah gpplah skali-skali... ^^

Gw baru ngerombak sedikit... moga" bisa dibikin lbh bgus lg yah...
Gw jg blm tau apa yg gw mo isi di blog ini. Huehehe...
Palingan berita-berita dari DDR ato O2Jam... ^^